/* Am I A Pundit Now?: Tonight There's Gonna Be A Jailbreak . . .

Monday, April 04, 2005

Tonight There's Gonna Be A Jailbreak . . .

The increasingly desperate Saddamites launched another attack on Abu Ghraib prison, in an apparent attempt to break someone out of jail. The previous attack a few days ago was an all-out assault, by insurgent standards, involving several car bombs and 40 attackers. Tunnels have been discovered leading into the prison. Who do they have at Abu Ghraib that the terrorists want? Could it be that we have Zarqawi, but haven't announced it yet? Whoever it is, they are on par with Zarqawi at least. Via the excellent John Batchelor show on WABC-New York City. Really, Batchelor has a very substantive show on international issues, with experts who know their stuff.

9:57 PM | | |